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Marondera Industrial


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Dzidzo Ndeyo Upenyu!!

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Academic Excellence!
Sporting Excellence!
Cultural Excellence!
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(current and future)

Our History, Identity and Persuits

School Rules

1. We show regard for others by good manners and courtesy. This means,
for instance, that we do not disturb others by making loud noises
(whistling, shouting and so on) where they may be working or resting.
It means, too, that we make great efforts to keep the school tidy,
indoors and outside.

2. An important part of courtesy is to be prompt and punctual, so as
not to keep others waiting. We must move promptly so as to be present
before the due time.

3. Tidiness applies also to dress. To wear the correct clothes(uniform, sports kit)
on every occasion is to show respect for your school and for one another.

4. If one is late for any duty, lessons, impositions etc. One should explain
the delay to the person in charge. In the same way, courtesy demands that one
should not leave any duty without the knowledge and agreement of the person responsible.

5. It is most important for the benefit of all that each one should respect
the property of other individuals and which is used by all. This means, for instance........

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Rakodzi High

Mission Statement

The school aims to produce a complete child who after completting four or six years of study will be able to enter insitutions of higher learning through the wholesome carriculum offered.

The school undertakes to:-

Promote technical and academic excellence.

Encourage self reliance and entrepreneurship to enable pupils to be of service to themselves and their country.

Promote the pupils' sporting and cultural talents through the various sporting and cultural activities offered by the school.

Promote the development of initiative, enquiry and resourcefulness.

Instill in the pupils the value of honesty, courtesy, punctuality, magnanimity, and perseverance.


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